I've been going through 012's journal and noticed that he mentioned White Skeleton Meditation. I tried looking it up on Google but couldn't find any solid information about it. Could someone explain it to me and its benefits and effects, or point me to a good source?
Many benefits; it improves concentration skill, opens many energy channels which are often neglected in the body, develops ecstatic energy, releases attachment & develops deep inner silence.
Take your time when doing it; no rushing through, go through each bone. It helps if you view the bones as having the radiance of sunlight.
Is it normal for this type of meditation to prevent you from sleeping? I was sleepy last night and did the meditation before going to bed. Tried sleeping afterwards but couldnt fall asleep despite the fact that I was so sleepy.
Sure, it gets a lot of energy running through your nervous system, so of course it's possible. Though, you may also have had insomnia for other reasons:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
What I mean by absorption, is deep concentration on each individual bone. While the meditation does release energy, energy movement is not exactly it's purpose. Concentration, is more about control of the mind, than energy movement. The movement power of internal energy, without profound powers of concentration will be very weak compared with deeper potential. From a Taoist perspective, most psions are primarily accessing yin energy. This is enough to do some minor things, but would still be considered shallow kung fu without building yang. Deep concentration, opens you up to the real power; adding tantra speeds the process up.
Can you experience reality as it is, without the overlay of your own personality? Can you rest your mind on an object until the duality of subject/object awareness dissolves; until only the object of concentration exists:)
So, after concentration... How would I go about accessing my yang or build yang?
Edit* Btw whats the best way to meditate? Standing up? sitting? or laying down?
-- Edited by dustpetro on Thursday 4th of July 2013 02:35:18 AM
White skeleton meditation: I have just tried this last night and I love it. I doesn't take me but 10 seconds to get it going and I can get my whole body (within a few seconds) except my head to feel numb-like and it stops me from being able to breath while I am doing it.
Take care not to cheat yourself; haste makes waste. There is much more to it than numbness. As Sussch, mentioned, absorption is much more important. Rome, was not built in a day. Allow yourself the time to develop profound concentration skill:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Take care not to cheat yourself; haste makes waste. There is much more to it than numbness. As Sussch, mentioned, absorption is much more important. Rome, was not built in a day. Allow yourself the time to develop profound concentration skill:)
Well, I know it seems like I'm just trying to rush the meditation as fast as possible but, its just really easy to get energy very fast and I don't know why I can control it so easy. What I do is when I want to use energy I just imagine myself unlocking said energy (Not like a combination lock or any thing but like columns that come out of a circle to unlock -picture below-) and imagine it going to the part I need the energy to go to. And every once and a while I absorb energy by using high gusts of wind that hit me. I just imagine the wind being absorbed and then stored in my core and locked the way it was unlocked. So, I have a good control over energy in my body but, not much at all outside my body.
What I mean by absorption, is deep concentration on each individual bone. While the meditation does release energy, energy movement is not exactly it's purpose. Concentration, is more about control of the mind, than energy movement. The movement power of internal energy, without profound powers of concentration will be very weak compared with deeper potential. From a Taoist perspective, most psions are primarily accessing yin energy. This is enough to do some minor things, but would still be considered shallow kung fu without building yang. Deep concentration, opens you up to the real power; adding tantra speeds the process up.
Can you experience reality as it is, without the overlay of your own personality? Can you rest your mind on an object until the duality of subject/object awareness dissolves; until only the object of concentration exists:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I'd take Owls advice... I ignored him for a long time. Most psions I believe are mentally immature. I see it in my self. This is why I persue meditation and not dirrect training (also because I don't have the ability to). I'm not saying every thing he says should be followed but when I was experiencing pk directly.... Direct meditation on the object always resulted in strong movments. Its like having a water hose with a knot in it. Concentration is the ability to unwind the tangle as where the preasure is the energy you are manifesting. If you don't learn how to control said energy it will either be disasterious outburst of water preassure or leaks of small energy. Lose your self in meditqation and see what happens
If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in
Concentration itself, accesses yang energy. In order to fully access yang energy, your internal winds/prana/chi, need to be brought into the central channel. This happens during breath cessation. Breath cessation among other phenomena, is an effect of deep concentration. All you need do is rest your attention on an object, bringing it back each time it wanders. Eventually concentration becomes stable & fixated on the object until you only have awareness of the object. Much more happens after that, but it's better that you experience it yourself. Tantric celibacy, can also speed this process along, with incredible speed & power.
The position of your body is much less important the consistent practice.
P.S. I humbly appreciate the praise Grengoshi, but I don't know everything, just sharing what I've experienced & understand.
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I tried this meditation last night, and it worked feel my energy on the feet and then I wanted my energy went up to my hands in a few seconds it was like lightning, I saw my energy flowing trough my Skeleton, and rising to my chest, then I saw her going to my hands tingling toes disappeared and appeared in my hands, in 10 minutes time passed very fast.