:) its just a little help :) i am being trained by the institute of bio sensory psychology in Russia, youtube it if you never heard they are the leading tk and all things psi of the world :) i can also connect you with the site and ask to get you my tutor who is the best and most patient but his English can not be so good at times lol.
anyway im not spiritual or anything i just know my tk stuff so if you ever need help give me a shout :)
well done :) what sort of sensations are you getting when you perform telekinesis also what emotions are you experiencing? take a look at this video I made a few weeks ago, this is the easiest exercise for training under glass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rUw8a01PiI in one of my other topics I have a diagram of this object that you can print off and cut out :) with this use very thin thread that is the same thickness as 1 single hair if not thinner than hair is best.
in this video I made a mistake and did not put paper under the bowl and by having the paper if actually makes it easier and more effective.
have a try with this if you can its very easy to start under glass :)
Oh no, that is not me, I am a woman. lol That is Treasure Hunter, he used to be on the forum more, still does pk though, just too busy to write much. :)
There is definitely a lot of energy build up doing pk, and you can often see it in the videos some of us make. I have a feeling that is what the orbs are. We have a whole thread we started on thoughtography. We had a orb fad here on the forum for awhile. :D
I have sensations seems that I feel a slight pressure in my pineal gland on my emotions I'm get happy, extremely happy when I say I can perform some action. Speaking of which I will start my training today with the glass : D
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Actually I liked the work of TH, he is very powerful so I hope someday stay so.
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sorry my english, i'm from brazil :3 and my english is bad hahah..
very good :) yes under glass is much better because when you post on youtube it makes it just that bit more believable to viewers, as tk is not made public much it needs to get out their more.
the physics don't allow telekinesis to work and the fact of tk makes all these theories ( THEORIES ) of how the universe works invalid and makes their theories crumble and outrages most of science but what needs to happen is the ignorance needs to understand by researching more into this and understanding why this happens is the only way to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together properly.
no your English is good unless I am classed as bad English haha
Lee TK, under glass is just one way of doing things, and has it's use, but some people like to utilize all the elements and energy at their disposal. I guess it depends on what your ultimate goal is in PK.
Nertom, that's ok, I understand what you are communicating. I've seen TH do the foil push live and it is impressive.
HAHA yes it does make things a lot easier lol, yes just keep doing moves to awaken and gather your energy and you will gain the skill of telekinesis with a lot of training of course.
I am always improving my ways to learn as things always change such as I might find that intense training is doing good then other times it stops me from doing anything, everyone is different and that makes it harder to learn full control over this issue.
thumb rule of energy work is do it when you want to not need to, and when you feel happy with what you have done leave it until another day.
When I do amazing things its all because I have not over done it, its hard not to over do it sometimes as it can be very addictive