An extensive remote-viewing study was conducted at The Farsight Institute in March 2010 to investigate an anomalous high resolution image of Mars that suggests artificiality. The study involves nine highly trained remote viewers across four remote-viewing methodologies, all methodologies of which are directly or indirectly derived from remote-viewing methodologies used by the United States military forces. The image that constitutes the target of the remote viewing suggests that a spray or fountain of liquid is being discharged from a long tubular nozzle, which in turn is connected to an apparent pipeline that leads to a dome formation. There is another larger dome formation nearby that is also part of the target. The remote-viewing sessions are evaluated with respect to verifiable target qualities as determined by the target image. This study notes a high degree of correlation between obvious target characteristics as determined by the target image and the detailed remote-viewing data. In the aggregate, this study offers strong support for the idea that the spray and the two dome formations deviate from known geological processes, and thus may be artificial. The remote-viewing data also shed some light on possible current activities and/or processes that may be taking place at this location on Mars.