I had to work & I had to find a way to make my own business. I had financial problems and even though I wanted to practice daily, the problems didn't allow me to focus with a peace of mind.
I succeed and today I have time, peace of mind, i am happy and i will give another chance to PK training.
I did exercise a little bit, I mostly did meditation for relaxation rather for PK abilities.
I found some cds about brainwaves. I was listening to music that raises the Gamma waves, according to the website it helps with those things:
Improve clarity and perception Clear mental fog and boost energy Increase cognition and concentration
When I was listening to those cds for many days, my boss make me very upset for somehow belittle my working skills, not that I care about those working skills, but it was the principle! I felt it was unfair.
I had an intense focus of thoughts, that day, of him failing at something, it was a restaurant and I was working as a waitress. That specific day he drop his tray with drinks all over the customers, he make many mistakes with orders and he was upset because he was claiming he never ever drop the tray in his professional life.
I don't know if it was just a coincidence that make me "happy" or because of my energy and focus I somehow trigger those things to happen.
Either way, it was a self satisfactory thing to happen!
But that experience help me to decide the way Im going to practice.
And it is meditation.
I also look at the Law of Attraction theory, whatever you might want to call it.
I am personally disappointed and alerted with some of the principles and how many "spiritual" gurus try to present them.
So nothing for me over there.
I already "lurk" to many posts here, It is great that the forum is still alive and stays positive.
Hey Welcome back Charis. I have found the only way for me as a modern Psion to be able to train is to find ways to integrate training into daily activities and even work. For me at work I choose a light to anchor my stress and intend it to blow. All around my desk the lights are blown. :) Now imagine if you took that same frustration you have at your boss and anchor it to a target say a light bulb intend it to blow and you will find it does start to pulse and eventually blow as you get stressed.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.