Planescape: Torment is really good (awesome story, good quests, a lot of manifestation, magic and spells going on).
A few quotes from Dak'kon:
A divided mind is an unfocused mind. A divided mind fractures walls and weakens stone. Many divided minds may destroy a city.
When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken.
The city [Sigil] exists in opposition to itself. It has set itself apart from the planes, yet it seeks to be everywhere at once. Its walls are doors, yet it keeps these doors locked. Such an existence tells of a thing that does not know itself. In not knowing itself, it is flawed.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Life Is Strange is the most immersive game I've played so far. Focuses on time travel, but also touches empathy, detachment. Although I haven't experienced time travel much, LiS really resonated with me.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Didn't explore all the options tho (didn't unlock all achievements), as the game helped me realize that's not how I'm supposed to treat life :). In most of the games, I wander around looking for secrets all over the place. In LiS everything seemed so real that I couldn't / didn't want to. Even though I could've just rewound time and acted as if it never happened.
-- Edited by Sussch on Thursday 21st of April 2016 08:18:11 PM
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
The best I've got to play so far. For me, this one hit home the most. Epic story that relates well to local folklore, present issues with politics, society, science and anything magical. Also resonates a lot thanks to similar experiences in dreaming and waking world.
When discussing game development with my youngest uncle many years ago, he asked if there was a way to make games that aid in the enlightenment of the player. I thought it would be very difficult if not impossible because it's all very personal. However, Dreamfall Chapters does it, and in my opinion it does it well. In the future I want to participate in the development of something at least as awesome.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
It's using random number generators to determine whether to spin, and if so, whether to do so clockwise or counter clockwise. I've tweaked it to settings that won't be too boring and will display some motion from it at rapid intervals, but should in essence maintain 50/50 balance resulting in it remaining close to its original position, unless influenced by an external force.
May the Force be with you all. All feedback is appreciated and will help with updating it for you all to use.
The bobbing movement due to breathing is perhaps too strong.
Are there any keys (to switch the environment, remove hands, etc.)?
It might be a good idea to show some text at first, describing what the game and psiwheel practice is all about. But then again, I like the fact that currently there's no text or UI that could cause distraction. So, not sure how these things should be communicated to the player. Only show it on the first run?
I guess progress can be measured with screenshots (with a different side of the psi-wheel towards the player) or screencap (clips of it rotating)?
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
Yeah, half a gb is pretty large, I have to see how I can optimize that.
The suggestions are great, I'll try to see if I can create an options menu when Esc is pressed to change those, as well as a brief guide in there.
As far as progress tracking goes, that seems like a great idea and an important feature to add (and also the most difficult )
I'd recommend screenshotting and using the numbered side facing the player until I can get something more automatic in place.
I may also be able to add in some binaural/isochronic beats with options to select which to play or turn them off. If anyone has any they'd like to share feel free to send them my way.
I have to agree with Sussch about the head bobbing. I didn't realize it would have native VR support, which is awesome! Though, because of that there should be a head bobbing intensity slider. With VR, you shouldn't take motion control away from the player, or risk sickness. I'm going to give it a few hours play testing with isochronic tones in the background, & see how much I can get it spinning.
A thought I had though, is that in physical matter reality; momentum helps with PK. Once PK pushes an object, it will continue moving unless friction of some kind stops it; you don't always need to apply constant force. If it's possible to program gradual motion attenuation once the the object randomly moves, it may feel more natural. It may also feel more satisfying for the player:)
-- Edited by owltwelve on Sunday 8th of October 2017 01:33:58 AM
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
I may also be able to add in some binaural/isochronic beats with options to select which to play or turn them off. If anyone has any they'd like to share feel free to send them my way.
Binaural / isochronic beats would be awesome!
Momentum is definitely doable but I suspect it would take a while to get it right.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I hadn't really thought about implementing VR for it and i'm actually surprised it works? if you tested it with it lol. I didn't. I thought i removed all movement controls for mouse keyboard and vr. *shrug*
I did originally think about whether to use vr, but i figured if you're holding onto the controllers (at least for me) it would create sensory distractions. But I guess the hands dont really need to be there?
I'll definitely try to get VR in there the way you'd like Owltwelve but i'm going to try to optimize the normal game play first (headbobbing, filesize, hands, options, manual, audio etc)
The momentum is a great idea and i agree with you 100%. I wasn't quite sure how to get that to happen though. Hmm. I'll work on it and share the setup for the psiwheel if anyone else wants to give suggestions on programming it. :)
-- Edited by Tranceffect257 on Sunday 8th of October 2017 03:27:11 PM