I'm interested in learning psionics, is Charles' work a good place to start? Also is anyone else here interested in, or knows about DNA activation, Kundalini energy and such?? Kind regards
Thanks for your reply. Yea, I meant Uncle Chuckie (didnt know how much known by this name he is, as I learned about him recently enough)
I just started a couple of his meditation exercises, haven't read through the works I have on him in detail yet. I'm winding down some other stuff, but i started the meditation exercises, so I can roll right into it, all being well. But before I go further, I will look further into his works, Thanks for the heads up. Would you know of a better place to start then? Kind regards.
The psi_pog archive; which I can give to you if you can't find it online. This forum also a lot of info, especially if you join. /books by William walker Atkinson, are very good.
Basically though, all you need for mind powers, is to develop strong concentration skill. Read the Visuddhimagga:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Concentration is like driving, requires a lot of effort when learning, but eventually gets to a sort of autopilot stage if you practice consistently. Pick an object which interests you; rest your attention on it, bring your attention back to the object when you notice that it wanders. Remember, it's not concentration, if you don't have a wandering attention to bring back.
Eventually, the attention comes to rest, & there is only awareness of you & the object. All other awareness relaxes; this stage is meditation.
Your breath slows way down; you loose body awareness, & you become so absorbed in the object, that you think you are the object; this stage is the beginning of samadhi.
Which ever object you choose, you develop, omniscience, & omnipotence relative to that object based on the level of your concentration. If wind for instance is your object; you develop wind powers, you notice the wind is your body & can control it like muscle & bone.
You are not weak in concentration. When you stub your toe, I bet your concentration sticks to the pain like glue. When you are very hungry, you make your way to the food. When you have to use the rest room after having to hold it too long, you can think of nothing else. These are examples of super concentration which everyone experiences. you just need to learn to access it.
The key besides repetition & consistency, is extreme adoration. My girlfriend loves chocolate pudding; when enjoying it, nothing else exists for her. A negative example of this would be stewing in angry feelings toward someone who wronged you, but it's still strong concentration.
When you pay adoring attention to an object for long enough; you eventually begin to feel pleasure. Then concentration becomes effortless, & true meditation follows, as do the mind powers:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Regarding concentration, I see what you mean when you give those great examples, like being hungry etc., and you are so right. This makes so much sense to me, that I cant risk forgetting this info, so I pasted it on my desktop, Thanks a lot.