With my increase in concentration and introspection I have recently realized that everyone really has 'their own world'. Basically you have many thoughts that are going on in the background. Sensible people are naturally aware of this. You take control of them with concentration. If your consciousness is high enough those thought are part of you - the conscious mind. The background thoughts will randomly go on 'attach' to different issues in your daily life, most likely when you place your concentration on something for no reason then you don't finish thinking about it. This is why you walk down the street and realize all of a sudden the answer to you last night problem. Similarly what I call your world is what your paradigms and energy construct deep inside of you. As some of you might already know what you think of creates your reality. Of course this statement is not finished and you cannot describe perfectly in words but it works something like this. If you for example start to study something now and you find much about and make a big fuss about it inside of you over the next few days you will be hit by people that are aware of the thing or other similar things. In other words you have incorporated that thing/info into your life/world. For me it happened with weed. Before I first tried I researched fist impression of it in Google and was interested, next week over 3-4 people on the street asked me if I smoke - they were selling. Never in my life it happened and now I got my chance, you call this coincidence?
You can easily understand the importance of 'choosing your friends wisely' now, hopefully. Anyways I was walking down the street and discovered how for example if a sexy female passes me and I give her 'some' importance she would instantly become part of my world. I can somewhat feel if something is part of your world, can't describe how it comes to me but I just feel it. What I am getting at is that most go on to make things part of their world. This is why successful people are only those that think '*'positively'*' about their goal 'all' the time. I guess one way to put this in wisdom style is know yourself. It really means watching every single thought 24/7. Here is my knowledge, integrate into your life well :)
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
I have experienced that, the body has unfiltered & omniscient access to everything in existence. The planet Jupiter, is in your toe, & what another body experiences, you also experience. However, the ego's need to protect & validate itself, blocks this access with all kinds of stories; pigeon holes, compartmentalizations & other such garbage. This is understandable, as the intense fire of unfiltered existence is something the ego is not really wired for. From this perspective; concentration is the process of relaxing the ego & opening to your true nature, which is the ground of being:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Father had come across the idea that gravity is silence. That the closer one moves to an object, the more silent the field of energy is (because the object is blocking or redirecting the flow of energy to some extent). The idea becomes even more interesting when combined with scalar field theory and the concept of aether.
I started to wonder if this was how enlightenment worked. That one would practice concentration while emitting more and more light. At some point, the concentration would produce strong enough gravity that the light is bent inward .. which yields the moment of realization about everything inside oneself.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
From my understanding concentration is using your consciousness and making it stronger. I also kind of believe that the mind is the computer and consciousness the user. In that case it is making your true self stronger, that which in its essence really exists. In that case ego would be the mind? which would make sense...
I assume that true Sussch. I have had a few moments were I was aware of my 'other' selves or were I have seen in my mind different vibrations. When I looked at myself I could see something like this. Its all about producing light, you know we are luminous beings and luminate at different frequencies but most are simply 'shut down'. Just look at the astral body of a sick person, disgusting to look at, there is all kind of insects sucking it. Btw does anyone know about the dimension of spiders. I have seen in that dimension a few times too, now my sight there is not very solid. Basically its like the astral but its dead, full of spiders. And everyone's body there is kind of covered in spiders....very scary to realise....expect kids, spiders back a bit off from them because they have 'light' in those bodies to protect them. I think it is ecstasy that allows you to see in that dimension with your real eyes?
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
Wow. That W.W.A has some amazing stuff :D. His wikipedia article has a full list of everhything he published (although not downloadable).
I read only "A series of lessons in personal magnetism, psychic influence, thought-force, concentration, will-power and practical mental science" and "The arcane formulas or mental alchemy. A supplementary volume to The arcane teaching" so far.
But they quickly took my deep attention. Just reading about will-pgower and the path to development awakened incredible passion for life in me.
Has anyone done the exercises for the will? I practiced for about 2 days when I had time but still haven't grasped the concept. He says that when you feel the will, the physical body will feel like a costume. Is it the same as that awareness of realising that you are looking through your own eyes? Any tips for doing this? :)
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
He has many exercises for the will, spread across many books. Can you be more specific about which exercise you've been doing, or from which book? In terms of developing a feeling of the body as a costume; he is basically talking about astral awareness, or embodiment in the larger self.
A basic technique he gives, is the astral tunnel for example. Where you pick a remote person or place & imagine that you are viewing them through a scope of some kind. Then once you are seeing the person or place clearly; you willfully push your awareness into the remote environment as though you were pressing through a resistant membrane. Over time in practicing this technique, you begin to develop an omnipresent awareness.
P.S. I have most of his books under his various pseudonyms. If you are interested, I can put some in my dropbox for you:)
"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
Sure, from the link you gave above, the text called :
"A series of lessons in personal magnetism, psychic influence, thought-force, concentration, will-power and practical mental science" . It should be page 48 in the book.
William Walker Atkinson wrote:
The prime, requisite for the acquirement of the art of Yolation
(is the recognition of the power of the real self ^the I AM. The
more complete the recognition, the greater the power. I cannot
give you specific directions for acquiring this faculty of recog-
nition. QTou must feel it rather than reason it out. ) You will
not be in doubt as to whether you are on the right track you
will realize it at once. As near as I can express it to you, is to say
that you will feel that your body is as a suit of clothes, which,
whilst covering you temporarily, it not YOU ; that you are separate
and apart from your body and superior to it, although for the time
being connected with it. You will realize that even your mind is
What he is saying here is to become aware of the will, of one's own will. The more aware the stronger one's will which can be used in practice. Practice like making someone's body move in a certain way just by willing it. I don't quite get the "knack" of it just yet and I was wondering if it is like being aware that you are looking through your own eyes. Almost taking an external view, away, from the body.
The astral tunnel technique seems interesting. Not sure if it would improve one's power of will though !?
I will keep in mind you have the books. If I won't find a book I will ask you for it :)
-- Edited by Arramu on Friday 31st of July 2015 07:58:51 AM
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
Concentration is the basic power everyone must have to achieve their desires. The book on "The Power of Concentration" By "William Walker Atkinson" is a very good book which have exercises that help to develop our concentration. Concentration also helps in acquiring gifts like Psychokinesis. There is a very good article on Power of Concentration
-- Edited by acsekhar on Saturday 5th of September 2015 08:50:35 AM
I found a great blog just searching for information and it helped me tremendously on my path to learning TK. Has anyone else every been here? http://telekinesispsychokinesis.weebly.com
Everything on this channel and the facebook group as well.
This guy REALLY knows what he is saying. I find he has helped me even more than bardons initation into hermetics. The key to concentration, all day long every single moment, pissing? picking up a pen? saw something in the corner of your eye? etc. every moment ;)
EDIT: watch?v=jW4GArsOLDU&spfreload=10 if needed
-- Edited by Arramu on Friday 10th of June 2016 08:25:47 PM
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
I thought I would put this here as well. I havent watched all the vids on threat, but I guess this particular thing is not spoken often in concentration material/circles, although its no biggie, it might help some starters.
The idea of mental state/world/vibration and how it changes. I first experienced this when I tried bardon's stuff almsot 2 years ago. I was kind of scared to be honest. I wasn't sure what exactly I should be doing and as I was proceeding with some things, it would seems that certain parts of my mind/mental features would increase, in other words it would change the balance of my mental aptitudes which made me think that one can mess themselves up with this concentration thing if not done properly. I tried my best while practicing to keep at the thing (-s) which I thoguth were what I was supposed to be training.
But know I know better, especially since doing T Lavon Lawrence's stuff.
Basically, one can train sensory exercises, such as focus on listening only. Over time the practicioner will notice that they may focus a lot of sight, more than normal, almost abnormally too much, or that things such as spatial awareness are tuned in the same way they were - aka the mind doesn't treat input information the same. For example now the mind may favour certain sensory information more than intuition. From the point of view of the practicitioner - you know in his mind, this is a HUGE change, and can be scary if you do not know. You may think, omg have I somewhat made myself disabled. Am I gonna end up autist or something :D ? - Truth is, everyone has their own way of 'focusing' in certain situations, and drawing in mental strength, such as shuting down distractions in an academic exam - everyone's mind deals with this differently. And usually we don't pay attention to this, but the result is how your mental experience 'feels'. When your mental experience/world changes and it 'feels' different, you will notice it for sure.
Others such as ninja or ninjutsu practicioners may practice by starring at a candle. This again, trains one thing.
My point/warning here is if you are noticing this change in your mental world and it bothers you or it ever might, forget it, JUST KEEP GOING.
Just keep training. It seems that the root of it is to train your attention. So attentive you are aware that you are aware and even beyond into samadhi or all kinds of things. The thing is, no matter what you are training it still trains your brain, and the brain, the whole body is one, it is very much like water!
Even T Lavon Lawrence which I shared jsut above ^^ came up with this diamond of concentration practice (first it was a triangle): sensory, intellectual, intuitive and....one more I dont remember. He says if you train your concentration skill in just ONE of these areas and get really good at it, just as being ableto stare at a candle silent for over 10 minutes (I guess that would sensory skill area right?) then you will be WAAAAY above average humans, in terms of mental concentration. Point is the brain is one system, not piece of metal. You train one area of it, the whole system improves. It grows through quality not quantity. Hope that helps :)
And also, T Lavon Lawrence has a lot of stuff, but one technique for lazy people like ( :p) which is like gold for the serious practicioner who has to waste time at work, etc. is breath attention ALL DAY - this is simple, just pay attention to your breath all day no matter what you are doing and ensure that you breath calm, deep and well...healthy!. This forces the 'bubble' of your attention to expand by taking care of the breath and everything else. Its also very good for quickly going into mental pump/overdrive.
-- Edited by Arramu on Monday 13th of June 2016 06:43:37 PM
Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to say...in a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p
Concentration on these objects lead to various mind powers directly related to the nature of the object concentrated upon, as well as skill in projecting the nature of one object into the object of another. Mastery of water kasina, not only grants water powers, but skill transforming earth into water. For example, one may not only control & project water itself, but also cause solids to behave like water for a skill like phasing. If you think about it, the combinations are endless:)