I have a friend who meditates and is into spirituality, we both like hanging out and he really loves all of my telekinesis talks. He is eager to learn but I am a little unclear on how to initiate him or at least set him in the right track. He has a very good aura but like all PK noobs he tries the dragon ball Z approach of "trying really hard" to move something, which of course doesn't result in anything.
But I have noticed something interesting about the PSI energy, whenever I demonstrate in front of others. The PSi energy continues to reside in the object even after I have used it and can be used by other people. One time when I moved the wheel, the other person tried to move it and it worked instantly (which also made him disbelieve which was ironic).
But when I was with my friend, I was moving the wheel flawlessly, and by doing so I was apparently charging the wheel and filling it up with useful energy. When my friend gave it a shot, the wheel responded very quickly to all of his movements and this made him really happy. But if he tried too hard again, the energy would deplete and I'd have to recharge it again so he could have some more fun with it :)
I think I just discovered the basis on which magical items are created, they are infused with psychic energy by other great practitioners.
If you expect to manipulate energy, then expect the energy to manipulate you.
There was one guy, who succeeded in locking the psiwheels. It was as if he formed a doubtful blob of energy around the wheels.
Then there was another guy who observed the blobs, looked for weak spots and visualized poking with a spear-like construct. The blob crumbled, and the wheel was unlocked again.
At home I've seen that pk constructs may last for a very long time. My radiometer is still in stasis, for example (5 years and counting). This goes both for intentional as well as unintentional pk constructs. There's that one ceiling lamp that still flickers ever since an old outburst of stress. It seems that without intentional neutralization of the construct, it can remain for a very long time.
The observation of greater success on the alignment of intention from multiple people we utilized for redirecting, dissolving typhoons or healing people. Though, the outcome with the typhoons was sometimes somewhat random, as the desired outcome was not agreed beforehand. Some probably worked on dissolving the typhoon, some on directing it in one way, some in another way. :)
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.
I like your description of the blobs, very helpful indeed. I think the psi wheels on my desk have been constantly getting charged to the point that they have a mind of their own. The move at rather peculiar moments like as though they are sending messages or signals. I too have had many experiences with flickering lights, they usually get triggered by stress also. Sometimes the electricity of my entire house switches off entirely for a few seconds and comes back on when I centre myself.
It's true that for something on a grand scale like to work, a concentrated plan must be made as compared to "let's all stop that typhoon!" :). But I feel that we can conquer typhoons mainly after we've learned how to make a smaller versions of them. Have you tried making dust devils or tiny whirl winds?
If you expect to manipulate energy, then expect the energy to manipulate you.