Deepak Chopra and Oprah appearing to try something w/ pk on national American television. Interesting. But one of my first thoughts was slight hand movements on her part could've caused the visible movement on the coin and string. This happened back in 1993.
Deepak's explanations of pk thought process, nature and so on were interesting.
Interesting story of a former US Army ranger who claimed to have worked with the CIA on remote viewing experiments through project Stargate. He later realized he didn't agree with where he saw the project going and removed his efforts from it.
Interestingly the CIA later admitted to the existence project Stargate.
The first video, well the man I can sense he is super normal individual with nothing about him, and his voice is still. He's clearly fake. Now Chopra isn't as skinny energetically from what I sense but you can see she's busy keeping an open mouth and trying to sound impressed. So definintely fake thing, no pk happening there.
Isn't Stargate the project mentioned in the thousands of recently released documents by CIA or FBI ? Remote viewing is real, it's an astral/ethereal thing from my understanding. Astral and the ethereal are the same realm but the part that is so close to the physical that it mimics the physical and can be used to gather information of the physical is called ethereal. Thinking of a place connects you astrally, if it's just a weak thought you will connect to a copy made in your mind meaning in your direct astral space. Anyway, you can have astral links to other people by just thinking about them, interacting in real life with them really helps build it further, but the best linkage factor is emotion in my experience. Like the connection between a mother and a child or two lovers! I can sense how my family is doing most of the time, if I'm calm and healthy.
If it has a subconsciouss, it was never consciouss. "Remove Doubt. That is Strength."