However, empathy is a somewhat specific influence as the border between your and their choices would blur together. It's no longer possible to distinguish you and them, as it's just one cloud of consciousness with non-uniform density.
Also, I've gotten the impression that most of the choices presented in life are subconscious choices (for most people, at least). A choice does not have to be conscious in order for it to count. People are also free to ignore their choices (which is a choice in its own).
About common sense, my common sense tells me that everyone should be aware of the consequences of their actions and that ignorance of the consequences is only a disadvantage. Sure it takes a while to learn the consequences of all the different actions, but ideally one would account for all the consequences when making a choice. Accounting for all consequences is not impossible, and this is where empathy comes in again. You would acquire the "feeling" of the different choices, and select based on that. This "feeling" is like the essence of it, or a compressed package that contains all the info about it. Put in a more abstract way, choices are navigation in this "feeling"-space.
So, perhaps empathy cannot be forced, as it's more-or-less the antithesis of doing something forcefully. At least, that's the impression that I've gotten so far.
Sometimes I have entertained the concept of limiting my own presence by feeling sorry for the grass for walking on it, or for the trees for stepping on their roots, or for the air for breathing it, or for water for making it dirty, etc. This goes against one's own existence and thus is not productive. Moreover, with enough empathy if you feel sorry for the grass, the grass feels sorry for you - it's a mutually unpleasant perspective. With enough empathy if you love the way the asphalt feels as you walk on it, you love the way it feels to pass by the trees and the way it feels to breathe the air, you'll start to feel yourself being both the asphalt as well as the one walking on it. You'll feel yourself being both the trees as well as the person walking past them, as well as the silky air that gently touches the face of the person while being that person and enjoying it all at the same time. This is a much more pleasant perspective. Perhaps this way even if there is a person who would rather not choose to be influenced by your presence, they would probably still be grateful to you for this profound experience. I don't know if and how this would fit together with high intensities of psi, but I would like to think that it's possible to exist like this without causing harm to anyone.
The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna
A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.