Well hello everybody. I'm a ''new'' practitioner, I've been doing this for 5 or 6 months on and off but I feel I've been concentrating mostly on the wrong stuff. I was about moving the object to show off instead of being curious and experiment with these abilities. What I like about this forum is that this spirit persists and I will give my contribution to it, trying to update on my trials as often as possible. I'm recently working on cans and psiwheels, and I'm acquiring experience on moving them without channeling energy with the hands, but also with. Weirdly enough seems to me that with the can I'm more successful without them than with their help. I'm also practicing on pulling and pushing things from a discrete distance with the use of my hands, but there I need to go deeper into experiments to understand wheter it's ki or wind, even if I have a feeling it's the first most of the time. With that said, I'll let here a link to my YouTube channel for to see something about me and for now that's very all! Thank you for reading and let's keep being investigative ;) https://youtu.be/NFDfW7osQDw
Welcome to the forum. One of my subjective philosophies is that we are interacting with available energy in a system to direct to direct them with intent.
Post-its which are bent into a V are a great way to practice pull also the good ol psi wheel also really helps with direction constructs in my opinion.
Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment
There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.