Here's a good live stream I did. I Control a foil on a needle with my energy. The part of the foil facing me is the part I'm controlling. I'm controlling it with left and right hands. I start with my hands close and at 2:03 they get further away from then on In the stream. Im also able spin it in circles later in the stream. So check that out too. I've provin it's not static by using water on hands and foil as well as lotion too. You know for skeptical people. I have videos on my channel on those. I've also shown people in person too.
-- Edited by Ricky1 on Tuesday 29th of December 2020 12:44:00 AM
Being able to amplify static electricity is fun too. Good job man. Your strength really does make static electricity seem as though it's the actual force in play here.
Being able to amplify static electricity is fun too. Good job man. Your strength really does make static electricity seem as though it's the actual force in play here.
Yeah it looks like it is static but it's mostly intention and my chi energy. Mastering all of natures elements are a way to go too though.
-- Edited by Ricky1 on Monday 28th of December 2020 08:46:06 AM
Ricky Cespedes
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Psychokinesis -> Psychokinesis -> Here's a Good Telekinesis Live Stream I did Yesterday. Attracting A Psi Wheel To Hands From A Distance