Poltergeist or Other
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I dont know if i would call this a poltergeist. More like I didnt clearly define my goal, I was young and well randy as a dog. At that time I was messing around with an energy thing I use do. I barely ever do it now, not that i couldnt, i just are a bit more wary of its use. Anyhow the energy is basicly like a fluid,...
I have a friend who meditates and is into spirituality, we both like hanging out and he really loves all of my telekinesis talks. He is eager to learn but I am a little unclear on how to initiate him or at least set him in the right track. He has a very good aura but like all PK noobs he tries the dragon ball Z app...
Booming voice
Recently I've been pursuing the totality of myself. Basically, this is an attempt at merging the different layers of awareness to be able to easily access them from any state of mind. Last weekend I participated in a sort of extreme hike. After about 13 or 14 hours into the hike, I noticed a change in min...
Need help strengthening my telekinesis
. -- Edited by vapetoday on Tuesday 12th of May 2015 10:25:20 AM
Static Tweaks Traveling Through Time Space Continuum.
Five years ago i began getting ticks, tweaks, or twitches when feeling anxiety. Sometimes they come on on their own but have gotten worse and really freaking me out. They are not like the twitch that you see where someone moves a shoulder. Instead, i don't move at all, yet people feel them coming throug...
hello again I need help
hi guys i need some help its been a few months since i joined but ive been away these few months thinking of my psionics and now ive gotten to a standstill a big one like a gate where you cant go any further without that golden key there are two paths i can take from here or two decisions path one (let my powers...
Share your Daily PK experiences simple or elaborate
1 2 3 4
Ok I ll start it off today I Used the law of detachment to PK a bottle of cleaning alchohol off of a bench. I detached and surrendered my ego/consious mind and just said to myself ok this has my attention and intention but the process that will cause it to fall I will keep open. And it worked with hilarious re...
Lucid dream 1
Lucid dream 1 was when i was in a dark cave and it was raining and my family and some royal family crossed one another royals from the astral realm by what i saw i dont know but anyway due to my own instincts i went to the girl and hugged her
I liked this lucid dream because it felt very real i could feel the grou...
Feeling the Electro Ball
Nearly two years ago when I started to get involved with EK (Electrokinesis), I was firmly involved with energy work having to do with EK. So I decided that as a part of my practice, I would practice making psi balls, but not regular psi balls, electric energy psi balls. Would cup my hands as you normall...
hearing sound when shaking my head
so i have been the exercise in the video below 100times in the morning and in the evening. so twice daily for about 1-2 months now. and when shaking my head fast i can hear this clear sound in my head. its always the same. it sounds like binaural be...
As a result of my practice I have experienced some side effects most recently a fork sliding across the counter into the sink has anyone else experienced and electrical or physical side effects?
Measured feedback during healing attempts.
I will log some measured feedback during my healing attempts here. I'm tempted to do this daily but I don't want to post if I haven't observed measured feedback during my attempts . Today at work I saw a man pushing a younger man, I guessed his son, in a wheel chair. I prefered him not needing it so...
Share your experience
Hi, i've been trying to do telekinesis since last month and i have advanced from moving a psiwheel to moving a matchstick over a clear surface, just want to know whats the biggest thing other members can move and for how much time are they practicing telekinesis, please share as it would be inspiration...
Has this happened to anyone?
Last night and early this morning i randomly started making psi balls. All of them felt pretty mush the same except for one. The majority felt as if i was adding energy trying to densify them with a pushing force. Note that none of them were visible to me. But the last one i made was completely different. I...
Hello I need a teacher and they must be 100% sure they are willing to do it.
Hey one of you may know me from a recent event Others are not so sure as to who I am let us keep it that way. I shall share with you something very interesting and that nearly killed me in the process well not really killed me made me do some pukeing and other side effects which you will learn quiet soon. This...
The Magicians Apprentice
Public displays of PK
My closest friends and family know about my PK and geisting, because it's happened on a daily basis since I was born. I am terribly afraid of anyone else knowing. I guess I'm paranoid, I guess, that if people knew I would either be labeled as a freak, or crazy, or possibly even taken away. It's because whe...
Emotionally triggered pk
I was talking to my father about owltwelve's progress and a few of my own attempts while we went shopping and while we came back. I had just finished talking about my attempt to turn the lights off in the living-room and on a street lamp when we entered the kitchen. Father flipped the light switch and noth...
what happens when im around cell phones
i will start from the begainning ever since i got my first phone... its been pressing buttons on its own, idk how but it do, it turns it self off, dial numbers, you name it. i got a new phone and its doing the same. today, i was riding in the car with my mom and my sister left her phone in my car. all of a sudden my m...
Intracranial Vibrations
Do anyone here start feeling intense intracranial vibrations during meditatives states and/or pk? During my last pk training I started feeling them, then I tried to focus and intensify the max I could, it got so strong that I literally feeled like an earthquake was taking place inside of me, it was co...
Strong remote viewing experience I had.
Yesterday I was at a music studio, recording some songs. As in every studio, there is the studio room where I was at, and another room separated by a window, where the sound guy stays usually. I was with my back turned to the window, recording looking to the wall in the oposite direction, which there is no...
i now know how to charge things!
ok my batterys went dead for my mouse and i didn't feel like going out and buying new ones. so i tried ek on the batterys, i holded them and focused. when i put them back in the mouse its fully working!! finally had success with ek!! -- Edited by Lwr on Saturday 14th of May 2011 05:19:28 PM
making particles around you speed up?
when im outside in cold weather, i almost never get affected by getting cold. i went outside one time when the temperature was i think 30F and below. i feel a warm shield like temperature around me. this one time i spent all night outside ( at 30 below) weather and never got sick. anyone know what causes th...
It's raining inside! am I dreaming?
I awoke in the dark of night ot the sound of water. My first thought was oh no Tika had to go and she couldn't get out but it countinued and it was loud. I followed the sound. It sounded like tropical rain I walked arround the house to where the sound was comming from and suddenly was getting wet. I thought oh...
Few questions about the psi wheel
Why is it easier to move without a glass jar over it? Without it I will even keep my hands and face away from it, cover my mouth and nose so my breath won't move it. I know there are no breezes, and I remain still. I sit back a few feet from the wheel and can get it to move to the colored dot I want it to. But I put the g...
Sparks from the psiwheel?
During my recent PK sessions I don't know if its just me but on occaision of noticed one or two white/blueish sparks coming from the psiwheel, very small though. It's only started happening recently, so I dont know if this is something normal or not. Any ideas?
Strange PK side effects
Most of the time, my geisting effects are either electrical in nature, or the random movements of objects responding to my bio/air pressure field. occasionaly something really big moves in response to intentions I fail to act on physically. However, the strangest effect that I've been experienci...
Snapping sounds and fear of breaking stuff
At the end of last year, I feared that I would slide my laptop off the table while sleeping. I frequently heard things snapping around me (especially when the state of mind changed - fell asleep, woke up, started meditating or practicing pk). Sometimes my laptop snapped, sometimes it was an object on t...
Not sure where to start
Hey, I'm quite new to this stuff, known about it for a while but never actually taken the second step as to attempting it. I'm stuck where to start, anyone got any tips for me? I did try to move a pencil once but i think my mind was playing tricks on me.
unexpected result
some days ago when I practised TK I tried to move a very small(4mm) cotton ball. I concentrated my thoughts on the movement of the ball from one point to another. But suddenly a fly came and kind of pushed it to the point I wanted it to go. I think most of you have heard about a book called "the secret&qu...
Godspeed (Youtube user)
So there's this guy, and he has a lot of videos on the subject of telekinesis, and even a few that I just can't see being faked. I'm slightly skeptic of the fork one because of the way it goes up then twirls in one spot and fli...